Developed by MalfoMedia

© 2025 Broadshade Investments. All Rights reserved

Developed by MalfoMedia

© 2025 Broadshade Investments. All Rights reserved



We believe that the right people boldly working on the right projects can be the catalyst for positive change in the world and we want to support that journey.

We partner with teams that have a unique perspective on a challenge or opportunity and the passion to see it come to life.

Based in San Diego County, we’re a family investment group backing exceptional founders.

We believe that the right people boldly working on the right projects can be the catalyst for positive change in the world and we want to support that journey.

We partner with teams that have a unique perspective on a challenge or opportunity and the passion to see it come to life.

Based in San Diego County, we’re a family investment group backing exceptional founders.

We believe that the right people boldly working on the right projects can be the catalyst for positive change in the world and we want to support that journey.

We partner with teams that have a unique perspective on a challenge or opportunity and the passion to see it come to life.

Based in San Diego County, we’re a family investment group backing exceptional founders.

Our Criteria

  • Post-revenue

  • US-based

  • Scalable Tech

Our Approach

  • Speed: we typically make a decision after one meeting

  • Investment size: $25k-$50k